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www.rocknet.org - Your Portal to the Rockville Communities

RockNet needs your help to make your Rockville Community Network (RockNet) a better web site.  Please share with us some details on your use of the Internet.

In the following statements, please check all that apply.

I access the Internet from   home,  office,  library,  community center,  other location.

At home, I access the Internet via   dial-up phone,  DSL,  cable,  leased line,   other.

At work, I access the Internet via   dial-up phone,  DSL,  cable,  leased line,  other.

I have an e-mail address at   home,  office,   other.

Please share the following information.

How many people live in your home?     How many of them use the Internet?

My home page is
(when my browser starts):

I usually go here next:

I like these web sites also:

My favorite search engine is:

I also use:

My age group is  under 13,  13-19,  20-39,  40-59,  60 or older.
My Zip Code is .

I would like RockNet to add the following to their web site.

If you wouldn't mind being contacted regarding your input, please enter the following.

Your name:

Your e-mail address:


Note: All information collected by RockNet through this survey is strictly for use by RockNet to improve our web site.  Collected   information will not be given to any other organization or individual.

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Copyright © 2000 Rockville Community Network. All rights reserved.
Feedback: comments@rocknet.org
Last Updated: July 28, 2000