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RockNet is continuously seeking nominations for Officers of the Corporation and the Board of Directors. The officers include President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary.   To find out more about these positions, review the RockNet Bylaws.

A nomination committee has been established to coordinate the nominations. If you would like to make a nomination, send an e-mail note to comments@rocknet.org.   It will be forwarded to the nominations committee. In the note include the nominee's name, phone number, address, and a short paragraph describing their qualifications. Also include your name, phone number and address. Nominations must be made with the approval of the nominee. A person may also nominate themselves.

Nominations for the Officers were closed on April 1, 1999. The nominees were:

for President - Bob Ekman

for Vice-President - Eric Granered

for Treasurer - Bob Skinner

for Secretary - no nominations received


Elections of the Officers and Board members were held on April 8, 1999, at the regular monthly meeting of RockNet. The Officer nominees of April 1, were unanimously elected.

Voting was open to anyone who had attended two meetings, prior to the day of election.   If you were not able to make the April 8 meeting, you may have voted via e-mail. Include the office and nominee's name in your e-mail vote. Your e-mail vote had to be sent after nominations close, but before midnight April 7, 1999.

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Copyright © 1999 Rockville Community Network. All rights reserved.
Feedback: comments@rocknet.org
Last Updated: April 15, 1999