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Document of Understanding
Rockville Community Network (RockNet)
The City of Rockville


June 20, 1999

This document describes an agreed understanding between the Rockville Community Network and the City of Rockville. It outlines responsibilities and relationships to the benefits of both parties. It provides a baseline for operations and programs. It is not intended to be a legal document.

The Rockville Community Network (RockNet) is dedicated to providing free community access to networked community information to promote the spirit of community and meet the information needs of Rockville City residents. RockNet concentrates its efforts on segments of the community and categories of information that have not yet been adequately served by the commercial sector. RockNet is a non-profit organization and is applying for 501(c)3 status.

The City of Rockville (the City) requires the use of information technology to meet its mission and serve the citizens of Rockville. The City uses the Internet to provide information to its citizens and to dialog on specific issues. The City maintains a web site, uses e-mail list servers, and promotes the use of direct e-mail to City staff. RockNet is considered an 'outside agency' by the City.

The City has helped establish and develop RockNet since 1996. The City provides to RockNet the following support.

  1. A meeting room for RockNet's monthly meeting.
    Currently, RockNet meets on the 2nd Thursday of every month at 7:30PM. This is a standing request for a meeting room and does not need to be requested monthly. From time to time, RockNet will require a meeting room for special meetings. A RockNet participant will specifically request these.
  2. A mail address for receipt of hardcopy mail.
    RockNet needs to use the City Hall address for receiving hardcopy mail.
  3. Floor space for RockNet's computer facilities.
    RockNet needs to locate its web server and associated equipment in City hall. The City will provide a secure location and electric power.
  4. An Internet connection for RockNet's web server.
    The City will provide a connection to the Internet for RockNet's server.
  5. Labor to maintain and operate RockNet's web server.
    RockNet's web server requires periodic support and maintenance, including system backups, monthly web site statistics, user administration, problem resolution, and software update installation. RockNet will require the City to activate service contracts for the RockNet server, when needed.
  6. Labor to coordinate the operations of RockNet.
    RockNet needs a City staff member to act as a liaison between RockNet and the City. This task includes participation in the monthly meeting, routing of e-mail to appropriate RockNet participants, and communications with other City staff regarding RockNet business.
  7. Labor to help develop and maintain RockNet's web server content.
    RockNet is building a web site with inputs from many organizations. While RockNet and its participants intend to continue to create web pages, there are pages and projects that need the collaboration of the City web administrator.

RockNet is continuously supportive of the City's technology efforts, especially its Internet web server. RockNet provides to the City the following.

  1. Hosting of the City web site.
    The City may host their web site on the same system as the RockNet web site. RockNet will provide appropriate accounts and permissions to the City to develop and maintain their web site.
  2. Hosting of City e-mail lists.
    The City may host e-mail lists on the RockNet list server. RockNet will provide appropriate accounts and permissions to the City to develop and maintain their web site and e-mail lists.
  3. Support for City sponsored citizen's computer usage.
    The City sponsors several computer facilities for citizen's use, such as the Senior Center and the Lincoln Park community center. RockNet will help establish and operate these facilities at the request of the City.
  4. Consultation on Internet technologies.
    RockNet will help the City take advantage of the emerging Internet technologies in their effort to reach the citizens of Rockville.
  5. Support for City information technology initiatives.
    RockNet will support the use of information technologies to meet the needs of the City.
  6. Support for City staffing reviews.
    RockNet will help the City evaluate staffing decisions and performance, at the request of the City.

Agreed to by

___________________________________ Date: ____________
Bob Ekman
President, Rockville Community Network

___________________________________ Date: ____________
Mike Cannon
Director of Information Technology, City of Rockville

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Feedback: comments@rocknet.org
Last Updated: April 27, 2000