RockNet Home Page   City Budget Request 2002

Email to
Donna Boxer
City of Rockville

Subject: FY2003 Funding for RockNet

February 14, 2002

As in the past few years, RockNet is again asking for support from the City during FY2003. We have greatly appreciated the City's involvement in RockNet. The citizens of Rockville and the City's information technology efforts have benefited from this continuous cooperation.

For FY2003, Rockville Community Network (RockNet) requests the following from the City of Rockville.

1. We would like the City to continue to provide labor for RockNet through the sharing of a full time web administrator and web server support personnel. We have tasks for a web administrator and support personnel, which will currently take about five hours a week, on average. RockNet is a volunteer non-profit organization with most members having full time jobs elsewhere. The daytime efforts of a web administrator and system support personnel are critical to the continuity of RockNet activities.

2. During FY2002, we have spent (or will spend) over $4000 of the City budget that was reserved for RockNet. This came from the IT Special Funds. We have several operational challenges that will consume much of our efforts in the coming year taking advantage of the new hardware and software. In FY2003, we do not have any specific item requirements at this time, but we would like to have available up to $2000 for unanticipated needs. There are several new services we are considering and we may need specific software packages to support these services. We would like to have modest access to IT funds in FY2003. Mike Cannon has indicated this could be covered by existing budget items.

3. The City has graciously provided meeting space, web server housing, and Internet access service to RockNet for over five years. We request continued support for these important infrastructural elements.

Thanks you for consideration of our requests.

Respectfully submitted,

Robert W. Ekman
President, Rockville Community Network
phone: 301-340-9696

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Last Updated: March 17, 2002