ROCKNET MEETING MINUTES September 9, 1999 Present: Mike Cannon, Stan Klein, Erik Granered, Bob Ekman Meeting called to order at 7:45 pm by Bob Ekman. 1. Minutes of the 8 July meeting were tabled due to the lack of members from that meeting. There was no meeting in August. 2. Reports: a. The city is seeking applications for the web administrator position. They have received some resumes, but would like more. They will Post an ad in the Washington Post. Bob Ekman agreed to help with interviews. b. Statistics from the web sites are not available. There was discussion on the possible products that produce statistics. Erik Granered agreed to establish a process, including selection of the appropriate tool. c. Chris Medley will continue to help with web pages until a new administrator is hired. 3. RockNet received a letter from the Maryland Department of Assessments on Personal Property Returns. The letter will be forwarded to Bob Skinner. 4. Web Server a. The issue of server backups was discussed. Mike Cannon will review the issue with Ray Pecora. b. The new server is up and running well. RockNet intends to grant several new accounts to help with the creation of web pages. c. The need for a better connection to the Internet was again raised. The City is waiting on the StarPower agreement. It could be several or many months. The City may look into using a DSL service in the interim. 5. The plans for the new web server include the following tasks. a. Bob Ekman will work on setting up the Index Server. We will work to have two separate search results -- one for RockNet and one for the City. b. Erik Granered will work on setting up the process for dropping files on our server. We are currently using FTP which is not real secure. 6. City Elections a. The City is planning to post results from election night directly to their web site. The web site results will be the basis for the report on the cable channel. b. Roald Schrack has agreed to help with the RockNet election web pages. It was felt that candidate positions on subjects of interest to Rockville citizens should be posted. 7. Increased participation in RockNet was discussed. It was suggested that we place an article in Rockville Reports. In order to describe what we mean by participation, it was decided that we post a list of possible RockNet projects. 8. The Gaithersburg web site was reviewed. Their web cam was considered as a possible project for Rockville. 9. The Y2K articles in Rockville Reports was discussed as to whether it focused too much on it as an emergency. 10. The meeting adjourned at 9:20 pm. Respectfully submitted, Bob Ekman 301-340-9696 524 Carr Ave. Rockville, MD 20850