RockNet Home Page   RockNet Meeting Minutes - June 10, 1999
                   ROCKNET MEETING MINUTES
                       June 10, 1999
                    Ammended July 8, 1999

Present: Bob Ekman, Bob Skinner, Helen Triolo, Chris Medley, Roald Schrack

Bob Ekman distributed copies of the web stats, web site changes, budget
testimony, and the proposed agenda.

1. May meeting minutes were accepted as submitted.

2. Reports:
    a. City web site had 450 visitors per day, New Hometown Holidays
       Pictures. Softball standings are a big hit.
    b. Rocknet web site had 118 visitors per day, up only slightly from
       last month.

3. Old Business
    a. New server Status and Plans: NT is now installed on new server. All
       hardware now installed including new tape drive. IIS, NT-MAIL,
       NT-LIST installed but some software yet to be installed.
       Additional money is needed. Have spent $199 for better tape drive.
       Will need $250 for backup software, $70 to renew domain name, a
       Java applet for web page access. Plan to configure the new server
       in the same way the current City server is configured. Phase I (the
       software and hardware) should be completed by end of June. Then
       begin Phase II (utilization).
    b. Non-Profit Corporation status: Bob Skinner will deal with
       the needed paperwork required to obtain non-profit status.

4. New Business:
    a. Bob Skinner gave notice of new worm type virus.
    b. Fallsmeade Neighborhood Assn. contacted City about using Rocknet.
       Was upset about limitations on storage space available. Bob Ekman 
       will soften limitations to meet needs .

Meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm

Respectfully submitted,

  Roald Schrack
  13 Farsta Court
  Rockville, MD 20850-2747