ROCKNET MEETING MINUTES February 11, 1999 Meeting was called to order by Robert Skinner at 7:31 p.m. In attendance were Robert Ekman, Erik Granered, Stan Klein, Nick Koumoutseas, Chris Medley, Roald Schrack, Robert Skinner and Barbara Skinner. The minutes of the November 12, 1998 meeting with read and approved without objection. There were no meetings held in December and January. A. Discussion re new server: Bob Ekman presented proposal from CompUSA on purchase of server, suggestion was made to obtain an external modem. Motion made by Bob Ekman, seconded by Barbara Skinner and approved unanimously to approve CompUSA’s proposal at approximately $4,135 for purchase of server. Bob will obtain invoice and present it to City for issuance of payment check. B. Bob Skinner advised meeting that John Herman has resigned and that therefore the position of Treasurer is now vacant and there is an open seat on the Board of Directors. Bob Skinner also suggested that time has come for election of new officers. Ensuing discussion resulted in the following actions: 1. In accordance with action taken in September meeting, Stan Klein moved, Bob Ekman seconded, that Roald Schrack be appointed to Board of Directors to fill vacancy created by Barbara Goldstein’s departure; motion carried unanimously. 2. Stan Klein moved, Roald Schrack seconded, that Bob Skinner be authorized to act as acting Treasurer until elections are held. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Roald Schrack moved, Barbara Skinner seconded, that announcement be made on RCNet list server and RockNet web site that there is an opening on RockNet’s Board of Directors, that nominations are being solicited for the election of officers of RockNet (positions of president, vice president, treasurer and secretary), and that persons are invited to show interest by responding to Motion carried unanimously. 4. Barbara Skinner moved, Stan Klein seconded, that Roald Schrack be appointed chairman of the nominating committee, not expected to recruit, only to keep records straight, and all responses of interested parties re: nominations sent to be copied to him. Stan Klein agreed to work with Roald on committee. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Roald Schrack moved, Stan Klein seconded, that announcement be made as immediately as possible on RC Net and RockNet’s web page that nominations are being accepted for the four officer positions and one vacant Board seat, that nominations will be closed one week before the April 8, 1999 meeting, i.e., April 1, 1999, nominees and current incumbents seeking re-election shall include a one-paragraph description of their qualifications for the position sought, and that names of the nominees shall be published when nominations close. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Roald Schrack moved, Stan Klein seconded, that electorate eligible to vote shall be anyone who has attended at least two meetings during the last six months, prior to the day of election. Motion carried unanimously. 7. Barbara Skinner moved, Roald Schrack seconded, that election will be held at April 8, 1999, meeting. Motion carried unanimously. 8. Stan Klein moved, Barbara Skinner seconded, that nominations must be made with the approval of the nominees. Motion carried unanimously. 9. Roald Schrack moved, Nick Koumoutseas seconded, that nominees must be present for the election. After discussion, Roald withdrew his motion. 10. Stan Klein moved, Roald Schrack seconded, to permit voting by e-mail after closing of the nomination period but before midnight on April 7, 1999. Motion carried unanimously. C. Nick Koumoutseas reported that he was working with Lincoln Park Civic Association to set up a Web page for the Association through RockNet using Front Page software for interactive updating. Ensuing discussion resulted in the formation of a loose task force of Stan Klein, Bob Ekman, Erik Granered and Nick Koumoutseas with Erik pulling together a list of state-of-the-art updating mechanisms and related information and making presentation on line via Chris to add Erik and Nick to Meeting adjourned at 9:19 p.m.