RockNet Home Page   RockNet Meeting Minutes - September 10, 1998
                   ROCKNET MEETING MINUTES

                       September 10, 1998

    The meeting was called to order by Bob Skinner at 7:40 p.m.  In 
attendance were Bob Ekman, Jane Jacobs, Stan Klein, Chris Medley, 
Roald Schrack, Barbara Skinner, Helen Triolo and Gail Wisan Muren.

    The minutes of the August 13, 1998 meeting were approved as 
published on the Internet.

A.  Chris Medley gave the Board a draft agreement prepared by 
the City for RockNet's purchase of a server with a check for 
$5,000.00 which Donna Boxer will give RockNet.  Following 
discussion by the group of the draft agreement, the Board resolved 
to authorize the President or Vice President of RockNet to 
negotiate changes in the agreement with the City based as follows 
(by paragraph #):

    1.  Credit to be granted for any expenditure of less than 
    $5,000.00 and the expenditure of the funds need not be in a 
    single increment;

    2.  Board had no questions or concerns about Paragraph 2;

    3.  "Purchase" should be plural in both places in this 

    4.  No change;

    5.  Re-write to read:  "City may terminate the agreement to 
    house and maintain the server at any time upon thirty (30) days 
    written notice to RockNet, except that if the City determines that 
    public health, safety, or welfare so require, the City may at any 
    time terminate said agreement immediately."

    6-7.  Change Paragraphs 9 and 10 to 6 and 7.

    Change name of City Clerk.  Change Notary Block from Rockville 
    Arts Place to RockNet.

    Bob Ekman agreed to negotiate on behalf of the Board.

B.  Bob Ekman brought up issue of RockNet's exemption from 
state sales tax on any server purchase; Bob Skinner to check with 
John Herman on RockNet's nonprofit status.

C.  Bob Ekman wants City to provide UPS for new server.

D.  Chris Medley reported she was being assigned an intern.  
Statistics reveal that visitor numbers to RockNet are up.

E.  Discussion of RockNet By-laws:  Bob Skinner will check with 
Barbara Goldstein to determine if she wishes to continue as a 
member of the Board of Directors; if she does not, Roald Schrack 
agreed to serve in her place.  Bob Skinner to post By-laws on 
Internet for review.  A resolution needs to be passed to consent 
to the Articles of Incorporation; must be signed by Board of 
Director members.

F.  Discussion on conferencing - John Herman needs to contact 
Michele Martin for conferencing setup.

G.  Y2K/Wheel Knowledge - Jane indicated Y2K needs more 
contributions and more publicity; e-mail address:  Possibility of using cable/Rockville 
Reports/City's web page/RockNet's web page/web board for publicity 
- Helen Triolo to investigate.

    Meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.