RockNet Home Page   RockNet Meeting Minutes - April 9, 1998

                  April 9, 1998

 The meeting was called to order by Bob Skinner at
 7:40 p.m.  In attendance were Bob Ekman, Dave Mays, Gail
 Wisan Muren, Roald Schrack, Barbara Skinner, Bob
 Skinner, Helen Triolo and Thomas E. Thomas.

 The minutes of the March 12, 1997, meeting were
 approved as published on the Internet.

 A. Bob Ekman reported that he and Helen Triolo
 met with Chris Medley, who has begun picking up tasks re
 RockNet, such as reporting of statistics.  Chris is
 working on RockNet brochure.

 B. John Herman has WebBoard documentation for

 C. Bob Ekman reported he has Wheel Knowledge
 information from Jane Jacobs and hopes to get web page
 up soon.  Bob said that Greater Rockville Partnership had
 asked him for help in putting up their page.

 D. Bob Skinner reported on meeting re web page
 for Rockville Arts Place; page is over RockNet's initial
 quota of 1 MB.  Motion made by Gail Wisan Muren to
 authorize Rockville Arts Place to have 3 MB of space, 4
 updates per year allowed, and calendaring to be done
 through RockNet's calendar and liaison/coordination with
 Helen Triolo.  Motion seconded by Bob Ekman, vote
 unanimous.  Bob Skinner will call Rockville Arts Place
 personally to advise.

 E. Discussion re posting job listings;
 suggestion made to invite Chamber of Commerce to keep
 such a list/posting current; Bob Skinner will check with
 businesses in Rockville to determine

 F. Discussion re RC NET: Bob Ekman moved to open
 RC Net; vote unanimous to make membership viewable.

 Meeting adjourned at 8:31.