RockNet Home Page   RockNet Meeting Minutes - February 12, 1998

                    February 12, 1998

           The meeting was called to order by Bob
 Skinner at 7:35 p.m.  In attendance were Bob Ekman,
 Glennon Harrison, John Herman, Jane Jacobs, Stan
 Klein, David Mays, Gail Wisan Muren, Helen Triolo,
 Barbara Skinner, Bob Skinner, and Thomas E. Thomas.

      The minutes of the January 8, 1998, meeting  were
 approved as published on the Internet with two

      "A.  John Herman indicated he would make a formal
 presentation next month re RockNet's tax exempt status
 and that a submission had been made to Paul Glasgow."

      Change:   John Herman indicated he would make an
 informal presentation...

      "E.  Jane Jacobs indicated she will do sample
 Wheel Knowledge training on Jan. 30 for City staff and
 Mayor and Council.  Discussion followed re web page
 for Wheel Knowledge; Jane to discuss with Bob Ekman.
 Bob Skinner recommended hyperactive link; Karla will
 check on possibility of archiving threaded discussion

      Change:   Jane Jacobs indicated she will do
 sample Community  Innovation training on Jan. 30 for
 City staff and Mayor/Council members who may be
 available to attend.

      A.   Bob Skinner reported on the meeting with Bob
 Ekman and Karla Breitbach re statistics.

      B.   Bob Ekman presented a list of proposed
 improvements to the Web page and requested that the
 Board provide feedback on their top four choices so
 that priorities could be assigned.

      C.   Having Helen update the calendar is working

      D.   Dave Mays indicated some concerns about IIS
 upgrade compatibility with existing NT operating
 system.  A new e-mail system is in the next budget.

      E.   John Herman made a presentation on threaded
 discussion group software and presented a comparison
 sheet showing characteristics of several products.
 Board recommended that Dave Mays and staff examine
 WebBoard 2.0, one of the low-cost options.  Bob
 Skinner suggested that a copy of the software be
 obtained so that the documentation can be reviewed.
 Bob Ekman moved and Gail Wisan Muren seconded that a
 copy be obtained for review with Dave Mays having
 veto, motion passed unanimously.

      F.   John Herman reported application for tax
 exempt status being handled out of City Attorney's
 Baltimore law firm, now working with an associate
 attorney, Sarah; application should be completed
 within ten days.  Tax exempt status, when granted,
 will be retroactive to date of incorporation.   John
 reported that law firm will provide a list of
 political guidelines for RockNet to observe.

      G.   Jane Jacobs and Karla are to work on Jane's
 draft of Web Page.

      H.   Gail Wisen Muren will help redline RockNet
 brochure currently on Pagemaker so that City can re-do

      I.   Bob Skinner will pull together a team to
 review by-laws, including Gail Wisen Muren, Glennon
 Harrison and John Herman.

      J.   The Board voted to join the National
 Association of Community Networks.

      K.   Bob Ekman announced that Rockville Science
 Day will be April 26, 1998; Board agreed RockNet will

      Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.