RockNet Home Page   RockNet Meeting Minutes - December 11, 1997

              December 11, 1997

     The meeting was called to order by Bob
Skinner at 7:41 p.m.  In attendance were Karla
Breitbach, Bob Ekman, Randy Gentry, Stan Klein,
Gail Wisan Muren, Barbara Skinner, Bob Skinner,
Helen Triolo, and Thomas E. Thomas.

     The minutes of the November 12, 1997, meeting
were approved as published on the Internet.

     A.  Randy Gentry's letter of resignation
from the Board was read into the record.  The
group unanimously commended Randy for his service
to RockNet.

    Bob Skinner indicated that there is a
need to pick up on Randy's work in grant and
funding research, perhaps with a team working on
it, but RockNet needs to obtain its tax exempt
status before this can be pursued aggressively.

     B.  Bob Skinner reported that John Herman
was working with Paul Glasgow on RockNet's tax
exempt status.

     C.  Karla Breitbach reported on the
statistics of hits, etc., on RockNet's Web page.
She said she was checking Comments @ RockNet.Org
on a daily basis and will direct questions re
linking, etc., to Bob Ekman.  Karla said she had
received no feedback from the Board on the list of
various queries for which statistics can be

     D.  Discussion of RockNet calendar - Karla
will provide Helen Triolo with City dates and
Helen will update the calendar on Fridays.  There
will be two calendars running - RockNet's and the
City's, perhaps with framing.

     E.  Anyone wanting an e-mail address should
forward a request to Karla.

     F.  Discussion re community's awareness of
RockNet:  brochure should be updated, with
deletion of Bob Skinner's name and substitution of
"Comments @ RockNet.Org."

     G.  Bob Ekman will call a meeting on Web
page/content for the first week in January '98.

     H.  Stan Klein revisited discussion held
during November meeting about dynamic updating of
Web pages; group again decided that updating
cannot be run by anyone outside of RockNet due to
operational security issues and the question of
manpower involved in updating procedures.  Group
agreed RockNet's best role is in a consulting
capacity to help people help themselves with their
Web pages.

     Meeting adjourned at 8:58.