RockNet Home Page   RockNet Meeting Minutes - September 11, 1997
                       September 11, 1997

     The meeting was called to order by Bob Skinner at 7:30 p.m. 
In attendance were Karla Breitbach, Bob Ekman, Randy Gentry, Jane
Jacobs, Glennon Harrison, John Herman, Dave Mays, Gail Wisan
Muren, Roald Schrack, Barbara Skinner, Bob Skinner, and Thomas E.

     Minutes of the meeting of August 14, 1997, were read and
approved unanimously.
     A.   Group members welcomed Karla Breitbach, City's
Webmaster, who gave a report on RockNet's General Usage
Statistics for August.

     B.   Group discussion re Bob Skinner's suggestion of having
2 list servers running:  one list server to be open to general
usage (RCNet), with individual requests to subscribe; second
server to be by invitation only for Board members.

     C.   Gail Wisan Muren volunteered to build political
questionnaire; group decided that Alliance for Rockville
Citizens' structure would be used if candidates agree; 100 word
limitation on candidates' answers; Gail will formulate ten
questions to be ranked by group.  Group agreed that ARC's
information pamphlet about pending referendum question on ballot
should be publicized so long as attribution of the pamphlet to
ARC is clearly made.  Answers to referendum issues to be e-mailed
to "Referendum @ RockNet.Org" with Bob Skinner as backup.  Jane
Jacobs volunteered to chronicle the preceding discussion on Wheel
     D.   Bob Ekman requested that Eric Jensen be recognized and
credited for having provided pictures of Rockville for RockNet.

     E.   RockNet's Articles of Incorporation to be scanned by
Bob Skinner so that they can be put on the Web page to
"authenticate" RockNet.

     F.   Bob Skinner reported that he had discussed with Paul
Glasgow (City Attorney) the question of trade marking the name
"RockNet.Org."  Mr. Glasgow indicated he would discuss the matter
with an attorney more familiar with this type of law.

     G.   Glennon Harrison requested group's approval to invite
Bob Maslyn, founder of "Alex," (Alexandria Community Network), to
next meeting.

     H.   Randy Gentry will bring Richard Thorpe to October

     I.   Bob Ekman called group's attention to the Maryland
Technical Show in Baltimore on December 3 and 4, 1997.

     J.   Information on e-mail accounts will have to wait until
Tom DeGeorge's return from vacation.

     K.   Roald Schrack asked for advice on techniques for
Internet access for Senior Center; Bob Skinner agreed to meet
with Roald at Senior Center to provide counseling/advice.

     Meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m.