RockNet Home Page   RockNet Meeting Minutes - January 9, 1997
                        January 9, 1997

     The meeting was called to order by Bob
Skinner at 7:32 p.m.  In attendance were Bob
Ekman, Randy Gentry, Glennon Harrison, David
Mays, Gail Wisan Muren, Roald Schrack,
Barbara Skinner, Bob Skinner, and Thomas E.
     Minutes of the December 12, 1996,
meeting were accepted as read without
Agenda Items:

A.   Proposed letter with questionnaire
     presented by Roald Schrack.  Determined
     that letter with questionnaire should be
     sent out to entire mailing list of
     citizens' groups; Roald Schrack to sign
     letters, with Bob Ekman as "contact
     person;" return address for
     questionnaires should be "Rocknet, 111
     Maryland Avenue, Rockville, MD 20850-
     2364.  Rocknet link has been

B.   Report by Bob Skinner of meeting between
     Bob Skinner and John Herman on how to
     build a Rocknet business plan and
     subsequent discussion:

     1.   Certain options too expensive:
          e.g., kiosks.

     2.   Some type of element of measurement
          - categorizing for community pages
          must be established ("have pages,
          don't have pages," etc.);

     3.   One limiting point:  cannot build
          pages for businesses, but Rocknet
          can make listing of names and

     4.   Establish a sliding scale of
          charging:  e.g., no charge for a
          list, but charge for adding logos,
          unique text and/or descriptions;

     5.   Glennon suggested that web page
          size be slightly reduces to fit
          comfortably in a 640x480 pixel
          format;  general agreement;

     6.   Perhaps request voluntary
          contributions from non-profit
          organizations; provide domain name
          for set sum;

     7.   Threaded discussion groups:
          Potential problems -  article about
          State's difficulties provided;
          suggestion made to call State to
          find out what kind of software they
          use; Glennon Harrison offered to E-
          mail Santa Monica about their
          method of maintaining civility.  A
          moderated group would require a
          constant overseeing - intensive
          time requirement; however,
          moderation slows discussion.
          Perhaps threaded discussion groups
          could only be entered by people who
          are members of Rocknet, with sign
          on required.  Proposed target date:
          April, with software chosen and

     8.   E-Mail:  City has 500 addresses
          available, but there is as yet no
          policy statement as to who uses
          them.  Juno should be downloaded
          and made available, and there are
          other "freebies" which could be
          used.  Suggestion made that another
          source of revenue could be adding a
          Web page link to an E-Mail address.

     9.   Four things Rocknet could provide:

          a.   Static Web pages
          b.   Dynamic Web pages
          c.   E-Mail
          d.   Threaded discussion groups

          Static Web pages priority #1 - what
          is next in priority?

          After discussion it was determined
          that while threaded discussion
          group service was proposed as
          priority #2, an E-Mail task force
          of Randy Gentry and Glennon
          Harrison would look into
          requirements/options of providing
          that service next instead.

C.   Interview Questions and Miscellaneous

     1.   Interview about Rocknet with David
          Mays, Bob Skinner and Jane Buckley,
          City's News and Information
          Assistant, scheduled for Friday,
          January 10, for presentation on
          City cable: list of questions
          presented for comment.  Suggestion
          made to emphasize resident

     2.   General discussion about
          identification of residents:
          determined that alphabetical
          listing should be used.

     3.   Randy Gentry indicated that he
          would meet with Bryant Davis,
          Montgomery College.  Group agreed
          that he should ask if a class could
          follow up on responses to completed
          questionnaires from citizen groups
          and perhaps construct Web pages for