RockNet Home Page   RockNet Meeting Minutes - December 12, 1996
                      December 12, 1996

     The meeting was called to order by Bob
Skinner at 7:46 p.m.  In attendance were Bob
Ekman, Randy Gentry, John Herman, Stan Klein,
Gail Wisan Muren, Barbara Skinner, Bob
Skinner, and Thomas E. Thomas.

     Minutes of the November 14, 1996,
meeting were accepted as corrected.

Guest:  Amanda Jonas, Maryland Student
        Service Alliance
        Maryland State Department of Education.

     Gail Wisan Muren introduced Amanda
Jonas.  Ms. Jonas described the Student
Service Learning requirements within
Montgomery County Public Schools which
mandate that all graduating students complete
a certain number of student-service learning

     These hours can be accumulated starting
at the completion of 8th grade.  Hours can be
accumulated through curriculum courses, 
cocurricular activities/organizations, and
working through approved community

     Community organization (Rocknet) can
work through individual schools, where each
school's student service-learning coordinator
has approved the activity offered, or the
organization can obtain the status of an
approved agency through the Montgomery County
Volunteer Center.

Ms. Jonas and the group discussed what
would be expected by the group of any student
working with it, along with the following

     1. Verification of a student's hours
        of work with Rocknet is required;

     2. Students will require supervision;

     3. Students of various ages could be
        coming through the pipeline, as
        service hours can start being
        earned in a student's freshman

     4. Students could perhaps be teamed,
        depending on the tasks required;

     5. Training of students could be done
        by the use of videos;

     6. Students can include those
        physically challenged and those who
        have another language;

     7. Students require an interview
        process (perhaps Rocknet could
        borrow ideas from City's interview

     8. Students need to know with whom
        they will work, dress code, degree
        of formality required by work
        (e.g., eating on the job, what to
        call Rocknet members),
        transportation availabilities;
        recognition of their work;

     9. Rocknet needs to find a place where
        students can work:  check with
        school's student service-learning
        coordinator about possibly using
        school facilities.
     Of the two methods of getting student
volunteers, consensus was it would be better
to work with individual schools and student
service-learning coordinators, since Rocknet
is city oriented, rather than seeking 
County-wide agency approval.

     Randy Gentry indicated that he has a
meeting scheduled with Montgomery College to
discuss the concept that Rocknet could be a
"class project" for MC students.  He has also
posted a position description for a
"webmaster," oriented for Montgomery College
students as "problem solving."

     This position description should be
discussed on line; its orientation would need
to be modified for high school students.
Webmaster position ("project administrator")
should not be a team effort, but one person
to carry out policy, assume responsibilities,
and be paid.

     Final discussion of the meeting involved
January 6, 1997, 8:00 p.m. work session
meeting with Mayor and Council.

     Meeting adjourned at 9:07 p.m.