August 12, 2004The meeting started at 7:35 pm in the City Manager's Conference Room.
In attendance were Bob Ekman, Jim Beller, Stan Klein, Mike Cannon, Betsy Robbins, Dean Fiala, Brian Pierce, and Dale Roethlisberger (for Danny Lee).
1) The minutes of the July 8, 2004 meeting were accepted with minor revisions.
2) Betsy Robbins reported on the city website. They are now posting quarterly projects updates. There are new forms for parks and facilities, tree management, and animal control. The Fall Recreation Guide and Rockville Arts and Music Festival announcement are now posted. The City has updated their content management system and continues to increase the use of the system to create the City's web site.
3) Bob Ekman reported on the RockNet services. There were 352 average daily visits. This is down from 375 daily visits in June. Minor changes were made in the web site content.
4) The town center webcam project was discussed. Mike Cannon gave a status on the equipment. All communication equipment has been acquired. A test between sites was run with 3.8 megabits per second throughput. There have been some delays with the camera purchase due to city sole source concerns. Mike has published a list of tasks that need to be completed before we go operational.
The RockNet board voted unanimously to give the president, Bob Ekman, authority to sign agreements between the City, the Victoria Condominiums and RockNet regarding the webcam project. Bob mentioned there is an open email list for the project at (Added after the meeting: to join the email list go to
Bob Ekman agreed to look into software to display the image stream and create an archive of the images. The archive will be used to create a time lapse video. With a movable camera, there may be a issue with archiving images with the same perspective.
The meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Robert Ekman