April 8, 2004Meeting convened at 7:30 PM in the City Manager's Conference Room.
Present were Bob Ekman, Stan Klein, Betsy Robbins, Mike Cannon, Jonathan Walker, Brian Pierce, Ben Creitz, Art Casanova, Jim Beller
1) Minutes of March Meeting were amended and then accepted.
2) City Report (Betsy Robbins)
* Betsy made a presentation to 20 citizens in Senior Rockville University.
* Mayor and Council goals have been posted.
* Hometown Holidays information will be posted soon.
* A survey for emergency preparedness is being created.
* The proposed budget is posted in PDF files.
* Several inspection service forms are being posted.
* In March Rocknet received an average of 579 visits per day compared to 481 in February.3) RockNet Report (Bob Ekman)
a) One new community account has been created, with the possibility of another one.
b) There have not been any new Internet attacks and none have penetrated the systems.3) The preparations for the Science Day exhibit were discussed and refined. Jonathan Walker will demonstrate Wi-Fi[tm] with the assistance of D-Link. Ben Creitz will demonstrate use of a cell phone to add pictures to an Internet picture gallery. A description is available at
The meeting adjourned at 9:10 PM
Respectfully submitted
Robert W. Ekman