ROCKNET MEETING MINUTES August 14, 2003 The meeting was called to order at 7:40 pm in the City Manager's Conference Room in Rockville City Hall. Present were: Bob Ekman, Telly Whitfield, Roald Schrack, Art Casanova, Sally Sternbach, Stan Klein, Betsy Robbins, Mike Cannon, Brian Pierce 1. Minutes of prior meeting accepted with minor revisions. 2. Betsy Robbins reported on Rockville and Rocknet websites and distributed statistics for the two sites. Visits to Rockville website slightly down from 2654 in June to 2610 in July (but the decline is well within statistics and thus not meaningful, 2610±51 vs 2654±52). Visits to the Rocknet website were 455±21 in July vs 442±21 in June. Again, not a meaningful change. Rockville site added Red Gate Golf Course registrations for tee times through the commercial site There was a discussion of relative use of the internet vs national average. In 2001, 84% of Rockville residents had internet access, in 2003 this grew to 89% access. This access level is about 10% above the national average. The URL for the Rockville site has been In conformity with all other cities. Now the URL will also work and is probably easier for most people to remember. The city has a backup power system in case Pepco fails. 3. Bob Ekman distributed new background material on Wi-Fi. Sally Sternbach of Greater Rockville Partnership discussed possible impact of a Wi-Fi hotspot in the Town Center comparing it to the effort made in New York City to enhance the attractiveness of Bryant Park (42nd Street and 6th Avenue). She suggested that Rocknet contact the Chamber of Commerce. 4. Mike Cannon reported on the second day of the Baltimore broadband conference. 5. Telly Whitfield told about city efforts to foster community and introduced Art Casanova of The Alliance of Rockville Neighborhood Associations (ARNA). David Hill is going to develop a website for ARNA. There will be Leadership workshop on October 11 and a Neighborhood Conference on September 25. 6. Rocknet will be getting the Lyris 6.1 for its listserve software. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm. Respectfully submitted, Roald A. Schrack 13 Farsta Ct. Rockville, MD 20850 voice: 301-279-7017 fax: 301-279-8889