ROCKNET MEETING MINUTES Amended March 13, 2003 The meeting was held in the City Manager's Conference room at City Hall. The meeting convened at 7:45 pm. In attendance were Brian Pierce, Jim Beller, Bob Ekman, Betsy Robbins, Roald Schrack, and Mike Cannon. 1) The minutes of the meeting of February 13, 2003 were accepted. 2) Betsy Robbins reported on the City website. The site received a daily average of 2,313 visitors. The Rocknet website received a daily average of 397 visits. Both are higher than last month. A section is being developed for the city website on historic designation for homes. A database of existing historic sites is being prepared that is so extensive that it will require a separate server. The Civic Center web page will be expanded to indicate the many facilities available there. Betsy is currently working on a virtual tour of Lincoln Park. 3) The have not been any great changes in the status of the Rocknet web site. The domain name was renewed for three years. Some of the pictures on the web site were updated to more recent pictures. The was some discussion of the listserve software. 4) Rockville Science day is coming up. There was a discussion of ink color for the flyer. Environmental green was chosen over red. There was some discussion of possible exhibits that might be presented. 5) Mike Cannon gave an extensive demonstration of the Geographic Information System (GIS) that is being prepared for inclusion in the city website. The initial presentation will permit viewers to find places on the city map by address or homeowner name. Data pertinent to that address will then be shown. An aerial photo of the city can be superimposed on the street map and zoom capability allows close examination of individual homes. A number of suggestions were made for additional features such as ride-on bus routes and stops. The meeting adjourned at 9:10 pm. Respectfully submitted, Roald A. Schrack 13 Farsta Ct. Rockville, MD 20850 voice: 301-279-7017 fax: 301-279-8889