RockNet Home Page   RockNet Meeting Minutes - November 14, 2002

                     ROCKNET MEETING MINUTES

                        November 14, 2002

The meeting was held in the City Manager's Conference room.  The meeting 
convened at 7:40 pm.

Present: Matt B., Bob Ekman, Betsy Robbins, Mike Cannon and Ben Pauwels

1) The minutes of October 10 were accepted as presented.

2) Bo Ferguson and Jessica Chin of the city staff came to the meeting to
use us as a Focus Group to critique the new Rockville City web site design.
The critique covered the following areas:
I. Ground Rules, II. First Impression, III Use, IV. Content, V. Appearance
and Layout, VI. Services, VII. Wrap Up.

About 45 minutes was spent in discussing various ways in which the design
and layout might be improved to make it more useful to the city resident
looking for information about the city.  Other groups are going to be asked
for their opinions. The collected opinions will be used to help redesign
the site. 

3) The city has modified the responsibilities of the "Science, Technology,
and Environment" committee to now become limited to the "Environment"
committee. Mike Cannon asked that the Rocknet Board to absorb some of the
now unallocated responsibilities.  It particular, he asked that we provide
comment on city IT developments. 

4) Betsy Robbins reported on the statistics for the month of October. 
Rockville City site had an average of 2,389 visits per day on weekdays.
Rocknet site had an average of 414 visits per day on weekdays.

The city site has had a very large increase in visits correlated with the
recent sniper attacks.

Betsy reported that several new items were, will soon be added including
Recreation dept. employment openings, Winter recreation Guide, and Traffic
calming guidelines.

5) Bob Ekman reported that the new server and the Lyris list manager is 
not yet operational.

The meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm

Respectfully submitted:

  Roald A. Schrack
  13 Farsta Ct.
  Rockville, MD 20850
  voice: 301-279-7017
  fax:   301-279-8889