RockNet Home Page   RockNet Meeting Minutes - July 11, 2002

                     ROCKNET MEETING MINUTES

                          July 11, 2002

The meeting was held in the City Manager's Conference room.

The meeting was called to order at 7:34 pm.

In attendance were: Brian Pierce, Stan Klein, Jim Beller, Bob Ekman, Betsy
Robbins, Roald Schrack, and Ben Pauwels

1. The minutes of June 13 were accepted with minor revisions.

2. Betsy reported on:
*  The new City Hall phone system is about to go on line. All numbers will
   now have a 240 exchange.
*  Rock Enroll went live with new capabilities.
*  Work is progressing on the ability to do permitting on line.
*  Historic topics and Community Services are being added to.
*  Search capability on the city site is being worked on. Ben Pauwels said
   he had a program ready to go and would send it to Betsy the next day. (He
   did and it worked)
*  Statistics for the city and Rocknet sites were distributed. Penetration
   is about the same as last month.
*  Lyris Gold 5.0 was purchased. This has a listserve capability for 10,000
   names. There was some discussion of updating as soon as the new versions
   were available but going ahead with this version even though the archive
   function is less user friendly than is desired.

3. Bob Ekman reported on Rocknet site developments.
*  Bob asked if someone could check on the medical emergency number now
   listed on Rocknet to see if they are still corrrect. Jim Beller volunteered.
*  Rocknet is assessed with a $1500 value by the county. This would lead to
   a $30 tax. Beller reported that if we answered 10 questions that had been
   sent to Rocknet, the tax would be waived. Bob said that he would reply as
   soon as possible.
*  At the last meeting it was requested by R. Schrack that a nonlisted web
   page be set up on Rocknet to serve as a communications board for the League
   of Women Voters. This was done and is now being used to list the 214
   candidates and the progress for each candidate for the use of those working
   on the League DNet web page.

4. Stan Klein gave an extended report on a workshop on U.S. National Policy
for Accelerating Broadband Development held by the IEEE-US Committee on
Connecting and Information Policy at the Cosmos Club. Following this there
was a discussion of the feasibility of Rocknet presenting forums on broadband.
The names of several people that might be available to head up the effort
were suggested. Bob Ekman will follow up on it. 

The meeting closed at 9:30pm

Respectfully submitted:

  Roald A. Schrack
  13 Farsta Ct.
  Rockville, MD 20850
  voice: 301-279-7017
  fax:   301-279-8889