RockNet Home Page   RockNet Meeting Minutes - May 9, 2002

                     ROCKNET MEETING MINUTES

                         May 9, 2002

The meeting opened at 7:30 pm in The City Manager's Conference Room of 
Rockville City Hall.

In attendance were:
  Mike Cannon
  Bob Ekman
  Roald Schrack
  Brian Pierce
  Stan Klein

1) Minutes of previous meeting accepted as submitted.

2) Science Day at Montgomery College was successful despite inclement
weather. About 1500 attended. The RockNet exhibit staff was thanked.

3) Mike Cannon reported on City Site developments:
* Bicycle trails for 8 and 20 miles given.
* MPDU forms now downloadable.
* Hometown Holidays events shown.
* The city fiber optic network has been completed that connects all the
  major city buildings. This will allow for remote origination of programs
  for the city cable channel. Portable remotes are not yet feasible.
* Summer Recreation guide is on the net.
* New Refuse Guide is on the net.
* The City Intranet has a photo album of city employees.
* GIS system is being tested on the intranet. There was interest shown on
  the board of making it available to the public.
* Latest budget figures are available to employees.
* Internet training programs of an elementary nature have been given to
  City employees.
* City is getting a new phone system. The prefix will be 240 (not 301).
* The City has purchased a few additional URL names - variations on Rockville
  - to avoid being frozen out by speculative buyers.

4) Bob Ekman reported on the Rocknet site. 
* He is receiving about 4 new links to appropriate websites a week.
* Our status as a 501C3 organization is now posted.
* Activation of the new server is now set for 24 or 31 May. The new
listserve could be installed at the same time.

5) Mike Cannon brought along a video of a city cable program - an interview
of neighborhood coordinator Vinnie Hughes on the program City Line. He
showed the video in which the merits of Rocknet as a community building
agent are extolled.

The meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted:

  Roald A. Schrack
  13 Farsta Ct.
  Rockville, MD 20850
  voice: 301-279-7017
  fax:   301-279-8889