RockNet Home Page   RockNet Meeting Minutes - August 9, 2001

                     ROCKNET MEETING MINUTES

                         August 9, 2001

Meeting convened at the City Manager's Conference Room, Rockville City
Hall at 7:40 PM

In attendance:
  Bob Ekman
  Betsy Robbins
  Stan Klein
  Roald Schrack
  Jim Beller
  Lee Jones
  Charles Worsley
  Ben Pauwels

1. The Minutes of the July meeting were accepted as submitted.

2. Betsy discussed the City website. The security of the system is
undergoing checks. The red worm virus was not a problem as appropriate
patches were in place. The change from Capunet as the ISP is being

Rock Enroll, the city website facility to enroll people online is being
tested by 300 people.  Bob suggested that some of the JavaScript coding
be checked as a source of possible errors. He volunteered to test it.
Based on a partial month statistics the average number of hits on the
City site is 1560 per day.  Rocknet got an average of 364 hits per day.

3. Bob reported on Rocknet activity. He mentioned a number of local
groups that want to have web pages. A page to list local utilities
contact phone numbers was discussed. Rocknet has received email recently
from persons wanting information on places to live. There was extensive
discussion on possible ways to list or link to sites that offered
temporary housing in the city.

4. Ben Pauwels reported that the new digital camera worked fine. He
took 27 pictures on one battery charge. He stored pictures at maximum
resolution and was able to store 6 pictures on one floppy. There was
considerable discussion on methods of conserving battery life when
operating the camera.  It was decided to loan out the battery charger
with the camera but not the spare battery.

Jim Beller a set of forms to be used when applying for the loan of the
camera. It was decided that no money deposit would be required but a
photocopy of a drivers license would be. Replacement of the camera
would be required if the camera was lost or damaged beyond repair.

5. American Apartments representatives discussed their desires in a web
page and how to achieve them.

6. Betsy Robbins gave a demonstration of the new Rock Enroll program on the
city website. There was discussion of possible improvements.

7. Roald Schrack brought up some election related issues.

The meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm

Submitted on August 10, 2001 by
  Roald A. Schrack
  13 Farsta Ct.
  Rockville, MD 20850
  voice: 301-279-7017
  fax:   301-279-8889