ROCKNET MEETING MINUTES May 10, 2001 Meeting convened at the City Manager's Conference Room, Rockville City Hall at 7:40 PM In attendance: Mike Cannon, Bob Ekman, Jim Beller, Stan Klein, Brian Pierce 1) Minutes of the meeting of April 5 were accepted by three attendees, but need one more vote to eliminate "draft" status. 2) Mike Cannon reported on the City's web site activity, which had an average of 1354 visitors a day. It was suggested that the City has a large return on the investment in their web site. 3) The RockNet web site had an average of 280 visitors a day. Woodley Gardens web pages are now hosted. Potomac Woods web administrator has been given an account. The RockNet exhibit at Science Day was successful. Participants were thanked. The RockNet City budget presentation is now posted on the web site. 4) Status of pending acquisitions: a) Digital Camera - under consideration a Sony MVC FD-73 (540x480 pixels, about $400). Jim Beller will handle the loaning process. We need a documented check out procedure and operation guide. b) Additional Memory - has been received, will be installed soon. c) NTList - need a new quote, may be a major upgrade. d) Windows 2000 - no interest, will reconsider next year. e) Network Solutions - registered until 26-Jul-2003, City will reimburse $63 fee. 5) The concept of a Rockville Community Users Group was discussed. Some possible ideas are: a) Hook into the Senior Center effort - Discuss with Roald Schrack. b) Conduct a forum for sharing information c) Set up user help desk, such as Capital PC Users help desk. 6) Bob Ekman presented an idea of a RockNet web administrator convocation. There are now about 10 people posting pages or want to post pages on the RockNet web site. The objectives of the meeting would be: a) Raise quality and consistency of web pages. b) Share experiences and stimulate interest. c) Develop a web site starter kit - look at on-line support systems. The meeting adjourned at 9:20 pm. Submitted on June 13, 2001 by Robert W. Ekman