RockNet Home Page   RockNet Meeting Minutes - April 5, 2001

                     ROCKNET MEETING MINUTES

                         April 5, 2001

Meeting convened at the City Manager's Conference Room, Rockville City Hall
at 7:30 PM

In attendance: Ben Pauwels, Bob Ekman, Jim Beller, Stan Klein, Paul Arveson,
Betsy Robbins, Roald Schrack

1) Minutes of the meeting of March 8 were accepted with a minor change.

2) Betsy Robbins reported on the City's web site activity.  The town center
parking forum results are being posted.  Survey results are being prepared
for posting.  They had a 48% return rate for 3000 homes.  Hometown Holidays
web information is under construction.

3) Betsy also discussed the online Recreation system, referred to as 
"Rock Enroll".  The plan is to have it on a separate server in August.
RockNet membership will be involved in testing.

4) The RockNet web site had an average of 255 visitors per day.  The loss of 
access permissions for the Amnesty folder is still a mystery.  It might have
something to do with the FTP delete and then create.

5) Woodley Gardens Civic Association has decided to post web pages on RockNet.
An account for their web administrator has been established.

6) Plans to improve RockNet services were reviewed.  Ray Pecora is working on
getting an additional 128MB RAM for our server.  Ray is also looking into
additional and new licenses for our NTList email list server.  Betsy is 
looking into a digital camera ($399) for use by citizens.  RockNet needs to 
help form a use policy.  Chris Bartlet, the Neighborhood Resource Coordinator,
may be able to help.

7) RockNet will have an exhibit at Rockville Science Day, April 29.  We need 
people to help staff the exhibit, noon to 5:00 p.m.  We will project RockNet
web pages and hand out RockNet brochures.  We will also try to collect names
of people interested in RockNet. 

8) In May, RockNet will make a presentation to the Mayor and Council regarding
the budget and the City's support for RockNet.  Bob Ekman will get on the 
agenda and send out a draft presentation for review.

9) Paul Arveson opened a discussion on getting more seniors on-line.  He 
suggested we set up training to help people see the advantages.  He also 
suggested we set up and operate a "help desk" for senior citizens.

The meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm

Submitted on April 30, 2001 by 
  Robert W. Ekman