September 10, 2009The meeting convened in the Blue Crab Room of City Hall at 7:35.
In attendance: Bob Ekman, Brian Pierce, Mary Alice McDonough, Mike Cannon, Roald Schrack, and Carol Nicholas.
1. The minutes of the last meeting (July 9) were read and accepted. There was no meeting in August. It was noted that the June minutes were missing. Bob will investigate.
2. Mike reported on City on-line services. The City is now on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and has an RSS feed. It uses Constant Contact for news releases.
3. Bob reported on the RockNet web site and other services. August page requests were 40,649 (1311/day). July page requests were 40,969(1322/day), down from June 41,709 (1390).
4. Michelle Poche Flaherty, the City's Organizational Development Manager conducted a facilitated focus group discussion on the City's IT plans and capabilities. This will feed into a new City's IT Strategic Plan.
5. Mary Alice is continuing to taking pictures for the revised web site. We are looking for a nice wed site that could be a model for ours. We recognize that the home page needs current news and local pictures.
6. We discussed doing more community outreach to the citizen groups on our services.
The meeting concluded at 9:00pm.
Submitted by Bob Ekman