April 16, 2009The meeting convened in the Blue Crab Room of City Hall at 7:40.
In attendance: Bob Ekman, Brian Pierce, Betsy Robbins, Alice McDonough, Roald Schrack, and Carol Nicholas.
1. The minutes of the last meeting (March 12) were read, accepted and approved.
2. The spring events are now on line for everyone to take note.
3. As we now have video on demand, a person can go to U-tube page for the City of Rockville and get video on demand. It is a welcome video of about 5 – 6 minutes.
4. On May 1, 2009 a person can go on line and see the candidates for election.
5. Some discussion came up about the RockNet server. Also what about the dead links – also the commercials. Should we keep them? Questions / comments on what to do.
6. A person can now go on-line and pay their water bill. This is a new feature.
7. In May we are looking forward to meeting with Hjarman Cordero, who is the Neighborhood Resources Coordinator. He works in the City Manager’s department.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M.
Submitted by Carol Nicholas