January 8, 2009The meeting convened in the Blue Crab Room of City Hall at 7:45 P.M.
In attendance: Bob Ekman, Mike Cannon, Mary Alice McDonough, and Carol Nicholas.
1. The minutes of the December meeting were read and accepted with minor revisions.
2. Mike described changes in the City's web site. There is a new look about to be released. There are new pages for "Buy Rockville", the ice skating in town center, new speed camera locations, and the Thomas Farm Community Center.
3. Bob presented the status of the RockNet services using the GoDaddy statistics. Pages served: October 46,395; November 48,519; December 39,860.
4. The group discussed additional plans for RockNet in 2009.
a. Possibility of an exhibit at Rockville Science Day on new Internet technology such as social networking and Web 2.0.
b. We may want to set up a FIOS available map for the City. Also may want to hav a page on WiMax Broadband.
5. The next meeting will be February 12, 2009.
The meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M.
submitted by Bob Ekman