December 11, 2008The meeting convened in the Blue Crab Room of City Hall at 7:45 P.M.
In attendance: Bob Ekman, Betsy Robbins, Roald Schrack, Stan Klein, and Carol Nicholas.
1. The minutes of the November meeting were read and accepted with minor revisions.
2. Betsy describes changes in the City web presence.
a. A new Windows server has been established with IIS7.
b. More on-demand programs using the video distribution vendor, are being planned, including the Planning Board meetings.
c. The new recreation guide in published. Much information on the zoning issues has been posted.
3. Bob presented the status of the RockNet services. The GoDaddy site working and meeting our needs. Status charts from a GoDaddy tools were reviewed. The citizen groups seem to be able to update their web site without problems. The Google groups are handling email lists.
4. The group discussed plans for RockNet in 2009.
a. Revise the website in both design and structure.
b. Integrate all new pictures of the city and our citizens
c. Move the webcam before it becomes blocked. The City Hall roof may work best.
d. Contact Jenny Kimble, a City Neighborhood Resource Coordinator, to conduct outreach to citizens groups in the city.
e. Conduct some training sessions on setting up a web site and using Google groups.
5. The next meeting will be January 8, 2009. Bob committed to send out a list of meeting dates for 2009.
The meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M.
submitted by Bob Ekman