April 10, 2008The meeting convened in the Blue Crab Room of City Hall at 7:45 P.M.
Present: Bob Ekman, Roald Schrack, Mike Cannon, Mary Alice McDonough, Brian Pierce, Betsy Robbins.
1. Meeting convened at 7:40 pm
2. Minutes of March 13 accepted
3. Bob reported that there are some problems with the operation of the Lyris system during the last month. There are numerous attempts to join lists by spam. Rocknet is currently down for some reason ( at the time of the meeting - it was subsequently repaired) The Webcam is working.
4. Betsy reported that the Rockville site had 5011 average visits per day in March compared to 4575 in February. The increase was probably due to interest in springtime activities. The site carries seasonal events and an advertisement for Buskers (street entertainers) for Town Center. A survey of recreational classes and news of the new Fallsgrove Recreation center was presented. A web page in Spanish is now available and an environmental page is being planned. A search engine based on the Google system has been installed.
5. The Wi-Fi system at the Regal is not working. It will be investigated.
6. No new approaches to a calendar were found.
7. Betsy suggested that Rocknet carry a list of environmental websites.
8. Mike described a penetration scan that performed on the Rockville and Rocknet sites by a commercial company. A needed patch was applied to Rocknet. The Wi-Fi system in Town Center is now running but the company is financial unstable. The system is being run without cost to the city.
The meeting adjourned at 8:55 pm
submitted by Roald Schrack