February 7, 2008The meeting convened in the Blue Crab Room of City Hall at 7:45 P.M.
In attendance: Bob Ekman, Art Casanova, Brian Pierce, Helen Triolo, Mike Cannon, Stan Klein, Mary Alice McDonough, and Phyllis Marcuccio.
1. Minutes of the previous meeting accepted with minor corrections.
2. The average visits per day for the city site was 4494 compared to 4342 in December. For Rocknet it was 511 in January compared to 507 in December.
3. Rocknet servers are operating OK. The webcam needed resetting. Woodley Gardens is trying to update their web site. Helen agreed to work with them. The wireless access point still not accepting logins.
4. It was decided to re-point the web cam to the parking lot in front of the Regal Row. Art will propose it to the Victoria Condominiums Board. The City will help with the repositioning.
5. Power to the City Hall will be down this Saturday (2/10) and perhaps some other Saturdays in February This will bring down the RockNet servers.
6. Discussion continued on the site calendar plans. Helen described the RockvilleLiving calendar. It is using RSS feeds from the Montgomery County Library.
7. Cavalier cable television provider has applied for franchise in the City. They may offer TV, phone and Internet over Verizon copper wires.
The meeting adjourned about 9:05P.M.
Report submitted by:
Robert Ekman
Rockville, MD