April 12, 2007Meeting convened in the Blue Crab Room of City Hall at 7:40 PM.
In attendance were: Art Casanova, Bob Ekman, Jonathan Walker, Betsy Robbins, and Mike Cannon
1) Minutes of previous meeting accepted with some corrections.
2) Bob Ekman requested nominations for RockNet secretary. None were made, but a request will be made by email.
3) Betsy reported on changes to the City's web services. She posted the Rockville Speed Camera information. Access to recreation department information has picked up. She is working on Historic District maps and a virtual tour of City Hall. The City site had an average of 5,279 visits per day during March. RockNet had an average of 888 visits per day.
4) Bob reported on the RockNet web services. No problems were reported with the web server. The problems with the viruses on the webcam server seem to be resolved. The Lyris list server was sending multiple emails to the same address for each email to the Agenda list. Bob removed suspicious addresses and the problem went away.
5) Mary Alice submitted a softcopy report on the wireless site before the meeting. There were 42 requests for a user ID in March for the Regal Row WiFi.
6) The new server is waiting on a firewall appliance. Bob will recheck the requirement.
7) RockNet will not have an exhibit at Science Day this year.
Meeting adjourned at 8:40 PM.
Report submitted by:
Bob Ekman
Rockville, MD