January 11, 2007Meeting convened in the Blue Crab Room of City Hall at 7:40 PM.
In attendance: Carol Nicolas, Mary Alice McDonough, Betsy Robbins, Helen Triolo, Art Casanova, Mike Cannon, Bob Ekman, Brian Pierce, Roald Schrack
1) Minutes of the previous meeting were approved.
2) Betsy reported that the average number of visits per day in December for Rockville was 4108 and for Rocknet was 608. She reported on recent additions to the Rockville web site of the Summer Web Guide, Holiday openings and closings, that there were lots of responses to the Town Center Survey, that data on the proposed changes to trash pickup are being consolidated together with the City Manager’s summary.
3) Bob reported that the majority of sites being hosted by Rocknet are being actively changed. Bob is keeping tabs on security issues. There was a discussion of a set of recent disconnects of equipment cables on Fridays. Lyris seems to be running OK with only occasional problems.
4) Mary Alice reported that there were 38 new requests for a userid in December making at total of 399 requests in 2006. Mike reported that there were 35 attendees at the pre-bid conference for proposals for a Wi-Fi system for the Town Center outdoor areas. Mary Alice has set up a Google calendar and will report next month on how it has worked out. Helen told about her calendar on her website “Rockville Living”. She expressed a willingness to work something out cooperatively with Rocknet.
5) Bob suggested a review of areas of activity for Rocknet in 2007:
Web Site - redo homepage, more community information, maps
Web Cam - possibly move it to a new location now that construction is completed
WiFi - possible relocation to Town Square
Calendar development
Rockville Science Day
Training - possible participation in Rockville U
6) Mike Cannon distributed two different quotes from Dell for new server systems. It was decided to acquire the tower system. The submitted bids were enhanced with a second hard drive for backup and an additional GB of memory.
The meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM.
Report submitted by:
Roald Schrack
Rockville, MD 20850