December 14, 2006Meeting convened in the Diamondback Terrapin Room of City Hall at 7:45 PM.
In attendance: R. A. Schrack, Bob Ekman, Stan Klein, Carol Nicholas, Jonathan Walker, Betsy Robbins, Mike Cannon, Mary Alice McDonough.
1) Minutes of the previous meeting were accepted.
2) Betsy reported that the average daily visits for Rocknet was 693 for October, 656 for November. The average daily visits was 4355 for the Rockville site in November. There is a new Portal page on the city website “ Welcome to Rockville” for newcomers. New material in Arts in Rockville a town Center Survey has been published. The annual Glenview Mansion Christmas decorations have been put on the web and the Lincoln Park Center web page has been updated.
3) Bob discussed methods he has used to thwart spam to the “comments to” entry on the Rocknet web pages. The continual problem experienced with the Flintridge web page FTP attempts have gone since the page is under new management.
4) Mary Alice reported on Wi-Fi. 36 new requests for userid were made in November leading to a total of 361 for the year. She has done some preliminary work on the Google calendar.
5) Bob distributed 23 pages on “Rocknet Security Issues” He gave an extended review of the high level of spam attempts to break into the system, about 5 per second. There were several suggestions of methods to reduce the threat of penetration.
6) There was a discussion of requirements of a system to replace the present equipment and associated software.
The meeting adjourned at 9:15 PM.
Report submitted by:
Roald Schrack
Rockville, MD 20850