RockNet Home Page   RockNet Meeting Minutes - July 13, 2006


July 13, 2006

Meeting convened in the Diamondback Terrapin Room of City Hall at 7:45 PM.

In Attendance were: Bob Ekman, Mike Cannon, Brian Pierce, and Betsy Robbins.

1. Acceptance of the June minutes was tabled until we have a quorum of participants.

2. Betsy Robbins reported on daily average site visits: Rockville had 4,617 in June and RockNet had 814 in May.  RockNet access logs for June need to be copied to the access folder. Betsy also reported on previous months from December to April. Betsy reported they are making many changes to the web site content now that they have a new assistant.  They are overhauling the police pages and adding the Rockville pike corridor plan. They are adding a Rockville Pike email list.

3. Bob Ekman announced that Rockville-Elects and Rockville Dog Park are now on our web site.  And the Twinbrook Elementary School PTA has set up an email list.

4. The 10 year anniversary of Rocknet will be celebrated on July 24. A reception has been planned for 6:00 PM in the Blue Crab Room. There will be a presentation at 7:00 by the Mayor and Council during their regular session. Bob has sent invitation email to all participants as recorded in the minutes since 1996.

5. Bob will query the board and others as to the interest in an August meeting now scheduled for August 10.

The meeting adjourned at 8:53 PM

Report submitted by:

Robert Ekman
Rockville, MD 20850