May 11, 2006The meeting convened in the Diamondback Terrapin Room at 7:35 PM.
In attendance were R. Schrack, Bob Ekman, Carol Nicholas, Brian Pierce, Mary Alice McDonough, Robert Clemenzi, Mike Cannon, Jonathan Walker.
1. Minutes of the April meeting were corrected and accepted.
2. Betsy Robbins reported that on the Rockville City website there were 4405 ave. visits/day in April, slightly down from previous month. No stats available on Rocknet site. On the City site there was a lot of activity on registration for summer camps. Art in Town Center was placed on the city site. Mike Cannon displayed a drawing of Town Square showing possible placement of conduits for fiber that might be used for WiFi distribution.
3. Bob Ekman reported that spam continues to come in on “” Ben Creitz installed a content management filter at Lincoln Park Recreation Center that we could try. Other methods of spam prevention were discussed such as a web page for comments.
4. Mary Alice said that the Regal WiFi hot spot has not been expanded because of lack of adequate DSL . The total new WiFi users in 2006 is 110. No new information on the proposed calendar. Bob says an ASP calendar would be fine.
5. Science Day was a big success in general but Rocknet exhibit could not get on the local WiFi. A wired internet connection was arranged. The Rocknet booth showed Google Earth. The were a total of about 2000 people attending.
6. The Rocknet 10th anniversary is coming up this summer. It was suggested we have a reception in City Hall and invite founding members. July 17 or 24 might be appropriate.
7. The domain name will be extended for 5 years.
The meeting adjourned at 8:55 PM
Report submitted by:
Roald A. Schrack
13 Farsta Court
Rockville, MD 20850