February 9, 2006Meeting convened in the City Manager’s Conference room at 7:45 PM.
In attendance: Bob Ekman, Carol Nicholas, Maria Broadbent, Brian Pierce, Betsy Robbins, Mike Cannon, Jonathan Walker, Mary Alice McDonough, and Roald Schrack.
1. Maria introduced herself as the Neighborhood Resource Coordinator and talked about a workshop planned for homeowner’s associations to be held at the senior center on Saturday, April 8. There was some discussion on what Rocknet might do to help groups that wanted to put a website on Rocknet.
2. After correction, the minutes of the January meeting were accepted.
3. Betsy Robbins handed out statistics for the Rockville Website. They showed that the average visits per day went from 2680 in December to 3363 in January. The Rocknet statistics were not available. The Summer Camp Guide is now posted on the City web site as well as proposed changes in the zoning ordinance as they are developed. White papers on about a dozen zoning topics have been posted on the web. Information on the new refuse collection program has been made available as well as the new Walking Fitness program. A new web assistant is being hired.
4. Bob reported that the Rocknet site is running fine as well as the listserve operation. There was some talk of a second webcam to cover areas of the Town Center construction that cannot be seen by the current webcam.
5. Jonathan reported on the Wi-Fi installation at the Regal theater There is a possibility of installing a second hot spot at the west end of the block to get better coverage. There were 29 requests for user ID in January.
6. Mary Alice gave out a proposed mission statement and background for a web calendar. There was extended discussion of what would appear on the calendar.
7. New Business: It is time to renew our Domain name.
The meeting adjourned at 9:25 PM
Report submitted by:
Roald A. Schrack
13 Farsta Court
Rockville, MD 20850