ROCKNET MEETING MINUTES January 13, 2000 Meeting called to order at approximately 7:30 p.m. by Bob Ekman in the City Manager's Conference Room at City Hall. In attendance were: Bob Ekman, Glennon Harrison, Margie Hall, Mike Cannon, Jim Beller, Betsy Robbins, Stan Klein, Brian Pierce, and Robert Skinner. 1. Minutes of the previous meeting were accepted. 2. It was noted that the RockNet by-laws need to be finalized. 3. City Web Site: The statistics for RockNet and the City web sites for several months in 1999 were distributed and discussed. Betsy Robbins will try different software for analyzing the log files. Betsy reported that the weekly City Police Report is now on the Web site, in response to a citizen request at a recent Technology Action Team meeting. Future plans for on-line recreation program registration, Geographic Information System (G.I.S.), permit application and pay on-line were discussed. 4. Mike Cannon reported that the Mayor and Council has re-appropriated $60,000 for four servers. A discussion of servers, G.I.S., and a G.I.S. affiliation with Towson followed. 5. RockNet Web Site: Bob Ekman reported that the neighborhood map is now up. He has been working with the index server and has been unable to get it to function. Jim Beller submitted a form for FTP access for the Fallsmead web pages. 6. Bob Skinner reported that RockNet now has non-profit status from the federal government - still waiting to hear from the state. Non-profit status will allow RockNet to set up a bank account. He will start the process of setting up our financial objectives for the organization. 7. A back-up site for the City and RockNet was discussed - a "mirror site" available in case of need. Glennon will talk to the person who hosted his Mayor and Council slate's Web site prior to the recent election. 8. Bob Skinner announced that ideas for expanding the site and serving the community are welcome. Glennon Harrison suggested that we scan the internet to see what other communities are doing. Mike Cannon suggested that we investigate "spider" software to build a powerful portal. "Verity" is one product, Bob Skinner will do some research on this. 9. The RockNet brochure needs to be updated as part of RockNet's recruitment and outreach effort to the community. Betsy Robbins will coordinate the graphics and printing after the content of the brochure is revised. A mailing list of neighborhood association contacts was given to Bob Ekman. The meeting adjourned at 9:07 p.m. Submitted by Betsy Robbins on February 8, 2000.