RockNet Home Page   RockNet Meeting Minutes - January 8, 1998
                     ROCKNET MEETING MINUTES

                         January 8, 1998

      The meeting was called to order by Bob Skinner at 7:42 p.m.  In
 attendance were Karla Breitbach, Bob Ekman, Randy Gentry, Glennon
 Harrison, John Herman, Jane Jacobs, Stan Klein, Gail Wisan Muren, Roald
 Schrack, Barbara Skinner, Bob Skinner, and Thomas E. Thomas.

      The minutes of the December 11, 1997, meeting were approved as
 published on the Internet.

      A.   John Herman indicated he would make an informal presentation
 next month re RockNet's tax exempt status and that a submission had
 been made to Paul Glasgow.

           Discussion followed re fund raising/sources of funding:
 gifts, grants, funding, sponsorship, membership fees.  Bob Skinner
 suggested that issues for a subsequent meeting should include a
 definition of membership, methods of raising money, stimulating
 awareness and attracting visibility, and a discussion of possible

      B.   Bob Ekman reported on web page/content meeting of January 6,
 1998, reporting following suggestions: (1) clean up front page and make
 it more inviting, interactive; (2) "featured site" - approved site of
 the week; (3) feature art work, maybe from the Recreation Department of
 children's art; (4) sponsor a photo contest and ask the public to
 select a winner; and (5) "Welcome Wagon," which would list businesses
 who would provide some type of premium to newcomers to Rockville.

      C.   Karla Breitbach indicated that when City's server is upgraded
 next month, she will look at threaded discussion software and that Dave
 Mays and Tom DeGeorge will make ultimate choice; Bob Skinner indicated
 that RockNet also needs a voice in the decision process.  John Herman
 indicated an interest in checking features and functions.  Karla will
 publish a list of sites where threaded discussion software is running
 so it can be checked out.  Glennon Harrison will put out information
 about groups he likes.

      D.   Karla Breitbach presented monthly statistics; group discussed
 what statistics they would particularly like to see, such as trending.
 Agreed that Karla, Bob Ekman and Bob Skinner would meet to discuss
 further the issue of particular stats.

      E.   Jane Jacobs indicated she will do sample Community Innovation
 training on Jan. 30 for City staff and Mayor and Council.  Discussion
 followed re web page for Wheel Knowledge; Jane to discuss with Bob
 Ekman.  Bob Skinner recommended hyperactive link; Karla will check on
 possibility of archiving threaded discussion groups.

      F.   Glennon Harrison brought up matter of grants and the
 possibility of RockNet applying for a grant in 1999, using 1998 to try
 to put some sort of application together.  John Herman and Stan Klein
 indicated they would participate in a subgroup on "grantmanship;" need
 to call for volunteers for such a subgroup to go on web page; need to
 get Randy's records.

      G.   Roald Schrack reported on progress at Senior Center re
 computer set up, training schedule, etc.  Asked for help with three
 machines showing virus problem.

      H.   Glennon Harrison brought up subject of '98 election; Gail
 Wisan Muren agreed to work on web page project similar to that for City

      I.   Bob Skinner closed meeting with suggestion of devoting
 February meeting to membership and March meeting to possible projects
 for RockNet to undertake and a grants team.

      Meeting adjourned at 9:15.