RockNet Home Page   RockNet Meeting Minutes - June 12, 1997
                    June 12, 1997

 The meeting was called to order by Bob
 Skinner at 7:40 p.m.  In attendance were Tom
 DeGeorge, Bob Ekman, Randy Gentry, John
 Herman, Jane Jacobs, Dave Mays, Gail Wisan
 Muren, Roald Schrack, Barbara Skinner, and
 Bob Skinner.

 The minutes of the May 8, 1997, meeting were
 read and approved.

 A.   Report by Tom DeGeorge and Dave Mays:

      1.   FTP access to WWW server is in

      2.   List server status: installed but
      not available for another week or so;
      documentation is available which Bob
      Ekman will review.

      3.   Threaded discussion group software:
      Dave will assess Perl Script information
      forwarded by Stan Klein; other threaded
      discussion group software suggested,
      such as Web Crossing, Podium.  John
      Herman and Bob Ekman to check for
      promotional literature, make phone calls
      to Charlotte, Boulder, Davis to
      determine their threaded discussion
      options.  Stressed by group that
      software be feature rich, secure, user
      friendly, interactive.  Discussion on
      membership, mail accounts, membership
      payments.  Group interested in both E-
      mail and list server access.
 B.   Dave Mays reported that City's budget,
      to be voted on by Mayor and Council on
      Monday, June 16, 1997, supposed to
      include $2500 in-kind donation to
      Rocknet (postage, printing, graphics,
      etc.) and a share of a Webmaster's time.

 C.   John Herman commended unanimously by
      group for his presentation on Rocknet's
      behalf at budget hearings.
 D.   John Herman queried if City had somehow
      received an invoice for Rocknet's domain
      name; Dave Mays to check with Thomas E.
      Thomas and City's accounts payable.

      Group determined that Rocknet needs a
      "mailbox" at City Hall.

 E.   Bob Ekman relayed thanks from the
      Rockville Consortium for Science for
      Rocknet's participation in the Science

 F.   Political candidates discussion:

      1.   Roald Schrack provided definition
      of a recognized candidate for a City
      election:  must present 100 signatures
      endorsing candidacy 45 days before the
      election; or, if money has been
      contributed for a campaign, must make a
      financial report to the City and is
      thereby recognized.  "Either - or"
      triggers:  First 100 signatures or first
      financial report of money collected.
      Bob Skinner to check Davis to determine
      if they have a criteria for identifying
      political candidates.

      Discussion also included working up a
      questionnaire for potential candidates;
      check with League of Women Voters to see
      if they have a standard questionnaire

 F.   Group re-visited and voted to modify the
      resolution adopted in the May 8, 1997,
           MAY 8, 1997 RESOLUTION:

      "Move that Rocknet will provide the
      following capability to political
      candidates:  a menu of an alphabetical
      listing of candidates by office with a
      pointer to each name to be a link to one
      meg of space, the content of which is to
      be defined by each candidate, and
      containing HTML, text and graphics
      supplied by each candidate, with two
      updates allowed, one on September 1,
      1997, and one on October 1, 1997."

      1.   Candidate criteria:  Either 100
      signatures or first financial report -

      2.   Strike statement about the
      dedication of one megabyte of space per
      3.   Each candidate's responses to a set
      questionnaire (provided by Rocknet and
      with the length of each question having
      a defined limit) will be posted;

      4.   In addition to having his/her
      questionnaire responses posted, each
      candidate will have one link to a Web
      site of the candidate's choice, with
      candidate providing HTML, ASCII, text
      and graphics;

      5.   Included with each candidate's
      questionnaire responses will be a
      specific disclaimer by Rocknet that the
      views expressed by the candidates are
      their own and do not reflect the views
      of Rocknet.

      Modifications voted on and approved

 G.   Discussion determined that Rocknet
      request suggestions to be included in
      political questionnaire.  Bob Ekman to
      post, quick time turn-around required -
      various avenues suggested, such as press
      release to Gazette.  Responses to come
      to account set up on City server.

 H.   Discussion re Bob Ekman's proposed
      criteria for link on Rocknet pages:

      1.   Add that criteria can be amended in
      the future;

      2.   Agree to specifically exclude
      businesses without Web sites;

      3.   Add that Rocknet will not link to
      individuals at this time;

      4.   Add words "such as" to examples of
      non-profit organizations that may be
      listed without a link; and

      5.   Add that Rocknet "will not
      knowingly link to a Web page where the
      organization promotes or engages in
      illegal activities."

      Gail Muren-Wisan moved to accept
      criteria with modifications; seconded by
      Roald Schrack; motion passed.

 I.   Presentation by Jane Jacobs:  due to
      illness she was unable to attend meeting
      in Blacksburg for the Consensus
      Democracy conference.  However,
      following testimony before Mayor and
      Council on June 2, 1997, she was asked
      to prepare more detailed information on
      a pilot "community innovation support
      center" and sought Rocknet input.  Bob
      Skinner, Bob Ekman both indicated it was
      their belief that Rocknet could take an
      active role in supporting such an
      endeavor and that Rocknet could be an
      iteration of Wheel Knowledge.  Jane will
      keep group apprised of developments as
      they occur.

 Meeting adjourned at 10:05 p.m.