RockNet Home Page   RockNet Meeting Minutes - September 12, 1996

                            September 12, 1996

     The meeting was called to order by Bob Skinner at 7:32.  In
attendance were Bryant Davis, Bob Dorsey, Bob Ekman, Randy
Gentry, Barbara Goldstein, Glennon Harrison, John Herman, Stan
Klein, David Mays, Roald Schrack, Barbara Skinner, Robert
Skinner, Thomas E. Thomas.  Also present was Paul Baker.

     A.   Dave Mays, DP Manager for the City, presented a draft
of the City's "Summary of Desired Internet Services."  It is
hoped that the RFP can be issued no later than October 1, 1996,
with responses requested by October 15, and a package presented
to Mayor and Counsel by Monday, October 28.  A 60 to 90 day
implementation period is contemplated, which would result in a
January - February, 1997, on-line time frame.

          After Mr. Mays' presentation, general discussion
included suggestions for the need for a single service provider,
security measures, costing for additional E-mail and making the
RFP more open ended, location of server, threaded bulletin
boards, technical support, etc.  The following was established:
          1.   The Draft would be put into Rocknet for input; and

          2.   Bob Skinner and Dave Mays would meet to discuss
               certain technical aspects of a potential RFP.

     B.   Randy Gentry then introduced Davis Bryant of Montgomery
College.  Mr. Bryant discussed with the group what
support/assistance his technical communications students might be
able to bring to Rocknet.  The College's certificate program
includes a technical writing class, a course in Desktop
Publishing, computer applications, a CA172/Internet class; Mr.
Bryant suggested that Rocknet draw up a list of possible duties,
responsibilities and qualifications in order to better identify
students to work with Rocknet.  Mr. Bryant discussed the
College's requirements of number of semester hours, supervision
required, etc., in order for student's Rocknet "internship" to
qualify for credit.  

          A general discussion followed concerning the possible
duties of student(s)/intern(s), and it was agreed that Randy
Gentry would orchestrate a draft description of
requirements/responsibilities, working with Bob Ekman.

     C.   General meeting discussions:

          1.   Bob Skinner then opened discussion on the problem
               of organization and membership.  He asked for
               suggestions on increasing membership, indicating
               that Sima Osdoby-Katz had resigned as membership
               chair.  Thomas E. Thomas indicated he would put
               together a "looking for volunteers" page; Glennon
               Harrison agreed to assist, suggesting it would be
               better to go slow with public announcements from
               Rocknet and perhaps use the City's Public
               Information Office, which would also draw it
               closer to Rocknet.

          2.   Randy Gentry provided membership with handouts
               relating to Conditions of Membership and
               Definition of Fundraising for comment.  Barbara
               Goldstein will work with Randy re guidelines,
               compensation for in-kind services.

          3.   Thomas E. Thomas asked group for volunteers to
               assist with creating Web pages for various City
               departments and requested feedback from Rocknet.

          4.   Roald Schrack reported on community outreach
               process; will get report out on Rocknet for
               feedback.  Bob Ekman will work with Roald on

          5.   Stan Klein will work with John Herman on technical

          6.   Bob Dorsey reported that Mayor and City management
               very supportive.

          7.   Paul Baker, when asked for his opinion, indicated
               he was very impressed with the level of
               development of Rocknet which has occurred. 

          8.   Bob Skinner requested direct feedback of
               functionality of group - "organizational sanity

     D.   Main membership of Rocknet will meet second Thursday of
every month.

     The meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m.