RockNet Rockville City
Elections - 1997

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Advisory Referendum Question
If you have a comment on the referendum, send a note to the RockNet Referendum Question e-mail account at Include your name, address, phone number and e-mail address. Within a few days, we will post your comments and include it with all the others comments.

This information was provided to RockNet by the Alliance of Rockville Citizens.

When you vote at the Rockville election on November 4th...

What about the Advisory Referendum Question?

Why... At the Rockville Municipal Election this coming November 4th there will be an Advisory Referendum Question on the ballot. The Mayor and Council have asked that this question be placed on the ballot so that they can tell what the division of opinion is in the city. The Mayor and Council may or may not act on the question depending on the results.

What... The question is: Should the term of office for the Mayor and Council be increased from two to four years ?

Where... In the cities and towns of Maryland of comparable size to Rockville there are term lengths ranging from 1 to 5 years. Most, however, are about equally divided between 2 and 4 year terms of office. A similar survey was made of 36 cities across the nation that were approximately the size of Rockville and had a Council - Manager form of government. The results of that survey were about the same as the Maryland survey but with a slightly greater number having four year terms for Councilmembers.

Historically Rockville started with one year terms in 1860. In 1888 the term length was increased to two years. Over the past 42 years members of the Mayor and Council have served an average of two terms. Mayor and Council are considered part time jobs. While there is a small stipend, the job demands a large amount of time. The pay is close to the minimum wage. In recent years there have been fewer people willing or able to make the sacrifices required to serve the community.

Stay with 2 years... The following are points raised for keeping things as they are.

  • Frequent elections keep the elected officials more responsive to citizen wishes.
  • Election campaigns need not be expensive in Rockville. This year the average candidate will spend less than $4000. Meeting candidates face-to-face can override media influences.
  • Although the Mayor and Council may be preoccupied with the election campaign for several months , the day to day operation of the city is carried out by the City Manager and staff.
  • Having elections every two years provides more opportunity for new faces to run for elected office.

Go to 4 years... The following are points raised in favor of changing now to a four-year term.

  • Eliminating an election would now save about $30,000 over a four-year cycle.
  • The longer term would require less time and money be spent on campaigning by candidates.
  • City business would be interrupted less if elections were held every four years. Planning and raising money for an election campaign may start six months before the election.
  • The longer term of office would allow greater continuity in office.

Rockville has enjoyed excellent government for the past forty years. During this period many changes in the election laws have been made. Not all suggestions have been adopted. But most people think the changes that have been made are improvements. These changes were only made after extensive debate, citizen consultation and approval by a substantial majority.

Examples are: The time of elections has been moved from spring to fall. County registration now allows you to vote in Rockville elections. You may now register to vote on election day.

You now have the chance to decide whether you think the proposed change from two to four year terms would be a good idea. You can let the Mayor and Council know how you feel by marking your ballot on election day, November 4th. If you do not take the trouble to vote, you will be letting others, with whom you may disagree, decide the question.

If you have any questions about the election, call the City Clerk at 301-309-3310.

Let Your Voice be Heard!


This brochure was put together as a public service by the Alliance of Rockville Citizens, a non-partisan, city-wide civic organization. The Alliance endorses no position on the question of term length. For more information about the Alliance, write to:
    The Alliance of Rockville Citizens
    P.O. Box 4545
    Rockville, MD 20849-4545

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© 1997 Rockville Community Network
Last Updated: September 29, 1997